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×Welcome to MSA Careers Registration Form, this should take a few minutes.
Please fill all the form fields. Make sure that your password minimum length is 8 characters and should contain small, capital letters and numbers. The only allowed cv formats are word and PDF files. The maximum allowed CV size is 5 MegaBytes.

Create your account:

Must contain at least one number and one uppercase and lowercase letter, and at least 8 or more characters

Personal information:

(Only .jpg, .jpeg, .png formats are allowed - Maximum file size: 5 MegaBytes)
( Only .jpg, .jpeg, .png formats are allowed - Maximum file size: 5 MegaBytes)

Education Information:

Employment details:

( Only .doc, .docx, .pdf formats are allowed - Maximum file size: 5 MegaBytes)
(Only mp4, wmv, flv, avi, mov formats are allowed - Maximum size: 5 MegaBytes)
if your video size is greater than 5 Mega Bytes